Monday 2 August 2010

Reason Changes

Following a disappointing performance at the DSRack LAN the news broke that the Reason Gaming CS:S team would be leaving the organisation they had called home for well over a year. Today we can announce their replacements.

Coming into the organisation will be none other than uber G33KZ, a team who have been without a home since leaving The Imperial following a first place finish at the Copenhagen Games - where they ironically defeated Reason Gaming in the final. The team have also found replacements for the players they lost earlier this month in the shape of Danni "rytme" Hansen and Troels "eXce" Kierulff, two ex-teammates of Henrik 'FeTiSh' Christensen.
The team will have big shoes to fill given the success of the previous Reason Gaming lineup but they still have the core of the CPH Games winning lineup, and with two of the most well decorated and highly rated Danish players ever joining the ranks they have everything needed to become just as successful. Both new additions are however returning from spells out of the competitive game and as shown in the past it will take a while for the rust to disappear, when it does it seems we may just have another challenger for team VeryGames.

Statement from v1ctor, FeTiSh and wantz given to Reason Gaming:

Today it is our great pleasure to be able to announce not only the remaining two players for our lineup, but also our new home. Joining us will be Troels "eXce" Kierulff and Danni "rytme" Hansen, two of Henriks old team mates. We approached Troels and Danni some time ago, when we learned about the departure of purity and gravity, and it was clear from day one that we had great chemistry and potential to compete amoungst the best. As for our new home, we have been given the great honour to represent an amazing organisation, Reason-Gaming.

Reason-Gaming have most recently supported one of the best and most stable Counter Strike Source teams, but hopefully we can live up to the name and achieve what they have before us. Thank you to Ben and the rest of the Reason-Gaming management for giving us this oppertunity, i am confident we are going to have a good time together.

Danni "rytme" Hansen also added:

I am stoked about the fact that I now can announce my comeback to competitive gaming. I realised that I could not just play on a casual level cause of my competitive gene and I still feel I am able to contribute with many things to a top team and the new updates to the game made it even more interesting. Therefore I dusted off my mouse and started playing some gathers with my old friend eXce and shortly after we got the offer to trial with the über G33KY boys which we could not say no to. After a couple of days of online cups and practice we all felt we had the chemistry and potential to be a top team and I could not imagine joining a better team nor organisation.

From now on we will be known as Reason Gaming and I cannot express how satisfied I am with this, because they are one of the absolute best, if not the best, organisation to be in. Reason Gaming is run by lovely people and we will strive to achieve greatness and increase the reputation of Reason.

Troels "eXce" Kierulff finished off with:

I am really excited about getting another opportunity to play competitively again, it has been on my mind for quite some time. The reason why I considered playing again was that looking at both old and new lan pictures, watching and following matches and lans, you get to miss the whole psych game in matches at a lan. The thrill about being so close to winning and the opponent team takes another vital round. The strive to be the best. It's all something you truly miss when your away from it, when just being a spectator and even though I hate losing, even that you miss when your away, the whole feeling of wanting to be better all the time gets multiplied by 10 when you lose a tight game. Then there is the most important part of a return, the enjoyment of playing cs with likeminded individuals. "Luckily" there was a split on the Danish scene as I decided to take another shot at playing again, which opened 2 spots on the former über g33kz team. They gave me and rytme the opportunity to play a few cashville cups and pcw's. At the end, we had a good chemistry which led to an offer to join their ranks. I quit approximately 1 year ago, so obviously there is a lot for me to work with now including the new patch. But I have a strong belief that I will adapt rather quickly and hopefully be back at the level I once was.

On top of my return, I am glad that Reason-Gaming decided to support this team so that we from now on can call ourselves a part of Reason-Gaming. Reason-Gaming are in my eyes one of the major companies on the CSS scene, with a very friendly staff and very reliable in terms of organizing. I have honestly never heard a negative word about Reason-Gaming.

A big THANKS to FeTiSh, v1ctor and wantz for letting me and rytme have another shot at competitive css and a very special thanks to Reason-Gaming for supporting us.

Reason Gaming is now:

 Henrik "FeTiSh" Christensen
 Victor "v1ctor" Brunn de Neergaard
 Bo "wantz" Vestergard
 Danni "rytme" Hansen
 Troels "eXce" Kierulff

Thursday 29 July 2010

zBlock changes

zBlock has again been updated, this time from RC1 to RC2.

The most recent update to CS:S saw Hidden Path address an issue that has been well noticed for a long while now, dxlevel issues. In this update, it is said that dxlevel 95 will now have the same effect as dxlevel 81 in terms of flash times and things such as lighting issues (most noticeable on de_nuke).
Now, in this update from zBlock, we see the removal of the "forced dxlevel" feature which was placed there in the first place in an attempt to eliminate any unfair advantages caused by the value of a players' dxlevel. This is not the only feature, of course.

The full changelog, as quoted from the official zBlock website:

zBlock 4.5RC1 -> 4.5RC2:

-added zblock.cfg
-zb_lo3/ko3 now run slightly slower to allow people time to read the text.
-"use" command was triggering spamblock, we've tested the command and found it to be inexpensive so it's now excluded by spamblock checks.
-zb_antispeedhack now no longer kicks everyone on a modified server.
-zBlock no longer thinks that sv_pure is set to 2 when it actually is 0.
-zb_warmode defaults to 0.
-sv_maxcmdrate and sv_maxupdaterate now are locked at a maximum of 66, rather than being locked to 66.
-Removed "Have to see the bomb to defuse" feature, it will return at some point.
-No longer kicks lan players when their server attempts to auth players (even though they shouldn't).
-zBlock now remembers changes to locked cvars and when they are no longer locked they are changed to their actual value.
-Added zb_allowcashcalling 2, allows automatic cash calling at the start of a round.
*Players must use the command "setinfo zb_wantautocashcalling 1".
-Readme and Changelog typo's.

Thursday 15 July 2010

mTw With Major Changes [Cadred]

nooky is one of only two surviving members from the old mTw lineup

Following a poor finish at the EPS finals team mTw have undergone a complete roster overhaul, throwing up an interesting and surprising lineup.

In the years gone by the mTw name has been synonymous with success, especially on home turf as they time and again proved they were the team to beat in the EPS. However recently the team began to slide, firstly they surrendered their EPS title to long time rivals Alternate Attax, going down without a whimper at the LAN finals. Not long after one of the teams longest standing members dav1d was caught up in a cheating scandal, forcing the side to make some changes to the roster.
As it turns out the changes didn't work out well for the side.   Another poor finish at the EPS finals followed a very inconsistent online season has caused the management and the team to make serious changes to the lineup. Leaving the team will be Florian "puRit" Dobberphul, a player who has been key to the success of the German side in the past. Adrian "vINCE R."' Kohl and Steffen 'sraven' Wiegner will also be following him out of the exit door after a short time within the organisation.

The players coming in to replace them will come as a shock to most readers, team Alternate duo Patrick 'KRAEUTERHUMPEN'Jakobi and Joshua 'hossa' Keller have jumped ship to join up with their long time rivals in what is certain to send shockwaves around the German scene. The lineup will be completed by none other than George 'hudzG' Hoskins, last seen plying his trade in the doomed TCM lineup. What this leaves for team Alternate remains to be seen but from the looks of this lineup on paper the European scene just found themselves a new "superpower"

George 'hudzG' Hoskins had the following to say to mTw:

Well, what can I say? For me as a player this is a big step in the right direction. I am very happy to have such a great opportunity to play with mTw and it is a great privilege and an honor for me to play in a team with such good management and fantastic players.

In the next few months I will work very hard to make the team as successful as possible. This change will also mean i'll be taking part in one of the most professional leagues around, the German EPS. I look forward to getting to know the German community.

I would like to thank the people who have helped me through the bad and helped me make this step, especially Rich and Nat. A big thank you to others, paddy, philipp, olli and markus. I look forward to successful cooperation.

Team mTw is now:

 Patrick 'KRAEUTERHUMPEN' Jakobi
 Joshua 'hossa' Keller
 Andre 'nooky' Utesch
 Philipp 'osirisbash' Kaczmarczyk
 George 'hudzG' Hoskins

Monday 12 July 2010

Phnatic Formed

Following the CS:S update there has been both a renewed interest from some, and the threat to quit from others, as such, there have been some unexpected teams forming and folding in the aftermath.

One such team has formed and it features some familiar, and unexpected faces. Heading the charge will be Richard 'ritch' Gibbs, who was most recently seen playing with Fragmasters Toxic at LAN79, joining him will be his ex-Fragmasters teammate Brandon 'weber' Weber who has been building a reputation for himself in the UK scene with some great performances in the past. Matthew 'Carrel' Carrel will be joined by Connor 'sliggy' Blomfield to make up the 3rd and 4th members.
The fifth and final member will be one that may cause some people to rub their eyes in disbelief, it is none other than Kyle 'fataL' Mardel, of ex-Zboard fame. He will be making a return to the game after a lengthy spell on the sidelines. For now the team will be concentrating on online tournaments but the possibility of attending LAN in future will be open to the side.

Statement from Richard 'ritch' Gibbs:

Basically, I want to play CS:S against teams online in the evening as I'm bored of being sat around so I handpicked the biggest losers I could find that want to do the same thing, we wont be attending any lans for now as we are online warriors and I'm too shit at this game now. Yeah, we'll last about 2 weeks approximately.

Team phnatic is:

 Richard 'ritch' Gibbs
 Brandon 'weber' Weber
 Kyle 'fataL' Mardel
 Matthew 'Carrel' Carrel
 Connor 'Sliggy' Blomfield

Saturday 10 July 2010

CSS Bugs [xiphrex]

There are quite a few bugs, I hope they read the steampowered forums and fix all the ones posted there.

The old css fps configs still work fine, there are only a few cvars that dont work anymore but they did nothing before either (like r_phong).

But multicore support there are new cvars and also a few more below:

// CSS Orange Box update
r_bloomtintg "0"
r_bloomtintb "0"
r_bloomtintexponent "0"
r_bloomtintr "0"
r_drawdetailprops "0"
r_flashlightrendermodels "0"
r_hunkalloclightmaps "0"
r_lightcache_zbuffercache "0"
r_propsmaxdist "0"
r_staticprop_lod "7"
r_sse_s "1"

cl_clearhinthistory "1"
cl_detaildist "0"
cl_detailfade "0"
cl_debugrumble "0"
cl_playerspraydisable "1"
cl_showhelp "0"

mat_alphacoverage "0"
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar "0"
mat_maxframelatency "0"
mat_max_worldmesh_vertices "0"
mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines "0"
mat_software_aa_strength "0"
mat_software_aa_strength_vgui "0"
mat_software_aa_tap_offset "0"

prop_active_gib_limit "0"
adsp_debug "0"

// Multicore Support
mat_queue_mode "2"
cl_threaded_bone_setup "0"
cl_interp_threadmodeticks "0"
cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0"
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "1"
r_threaded_particles "1"
r_threaded_renderables "1"
r_queued_decals "0"
r_queued_post_processing "1"
r_queued_ropes "1"
mp_usehwmmodels "-1"
mp_usehwmvcds "-1"

Only just tested the above and it didnt seem to do anything negative. FPS was the same though. So I think it comes down to using mat_queue_mode "2" or "-1" (both are the same thing)

New CSS Update 2010

« on: June 24, 2010, 12:10:40 AM »
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The CSS Beta update has gone gold and been released. Took a while to update but its finally done.

How you guys finding it?

I quite like the fact they have locked server tickrate to 66. The rate of fire has been fixed as well so it doesnt rely on tickrate, so the AK fires the same speed as on 100tick. Also on clientside server anyway, the reg is pretty good I reckon, better than before. Still to test it in the real world but servers are updating across the land!

Also multicore support works and you have to turn it on manually.

I hope they fix the dx9 bugs for ATI users, I hate having to use dx8 to get around that. Also I think a new bug has been introduced which is the excessive fog on d2 in dx8. The most pointless 'feature' of d2 is to have that fog, it just looks like the colours are washed out, I cant see shit properly, 100% pointless:

That might look normal to some of you but its quite different from just before the update for me. Also things are brighter, like reflections off barrels etc are much brighter.

Theres also a slight zooming animation when you allow the awp to rezoom after shooting (without quickswitching), sort of like the autosniper.

Oh btw here are the new optimized netcode settings to use clientside (courtesy of Regnam):

rate "35000"
cl_cmdrate "66"
cl_updaterate "66"
cl_interp "0"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "0"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_predictweapons "1"
cl_smooth "0"
cl_smoothtime "0.01"

DONT play with cl_cmdrate 100 and cl_updaterate 100, it doesnt put it down to 66 automatically, and the reg is god awful!

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Dignitas Disband [Cadred]

Team Dignitas have decided to release their CS:S team after 2 members left.

Earlier this year, Team Dignitas announced that they would be picking up a team to fill their EPS UK spot, and proceeded to sign Team AMDERS. This team was certainly not the same sort of level that their previous CS:S team had been up to, but dignitas were willing to give this lesser team a chance.
However it has been announced today that they have been released from the dignitas squad with immediate effect. This has come about due to two of the players of the team choosing to leave. Not wanting to rebuild the lineup, ODEE indicated on the Team Dignitas site that they would stop their contracts short.

The following has come from the official Team Dignitas post on their site:

With regret I have to inform everyone that we have released our Counter Strike Source team from our organisation. The team joined us earlier this year when we decided to give a lesser known team a chance to develop over time within our ranks.

With two players deciding to leave the team we have decided to call it a day with the remainder of the line-up. We had every intention to continue with this team for the agreed period that we had in place with a view to review the progress that had been made. Unfortunately this catastrophic break within the team has reversed our plans.

The old dignitas CS:S roster featured:

 Ryan 'SkiddY' Hudson
 Mike 'ZooL' Eastham
 Scott 'SM' Mansell
 David 'icebox' Morris
 Mike 'Acky' Halliwell

Bookmark and Share
Tom Nevill // DuRuS
Posted 23 hours ago: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 16:58:29 +0100

Saturday 3 July 2010

Vicky Hay's AutoBiography - Wounded: Fighting my Demons

Vicky Hay

Quote "Vicky writes a true an inspiring account of the true hell she has experienced: from what started as anorexia nervosa and spread into a multitude of crippling mental health problems. She speaks from the heart and does not hold back on informing the reader of the truth behind, what is so often seen, as a self infected illness."

"Wounded: Fighting my Demons"



Book Release: 20/05/2010
Open Day: n/a

Please Support =)

Thursday 17 June 2010

Gamers mIRC

Gamers.IRC is a script for the most popular IRC-client, mIRCmIRC as such only offers the simplest functions to chat with other peoples in a channel. A channel theoretical offers to an unlimited amount of people a virtual room to chat. These channels are on IRC-Servers. Quakenet is the most popular IRC-Server for gamers.
Gamers.IRC extends mIRC with many special features for gamers. It has been created specifically for you, the gamer!
Gamers.IRC is open source. For further information about open source clickhere.
Gamers.IRC is for Windows 95 and later versions.
For using it with Linux or Mac OS X click here.


Besides all the known mIRC features, Gamers.IRC provides a couple of other additions:
  • Autoconnect
  • Awaysystem
  • Buddylist
  • Clanwarsearch
  • Chancentral
  • E-Mail Checker
  • Fileserv
  • Funstuff
  • Gamestart
  • Searchtool
  • IP2Nick
  • IRC Quotes
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Lagbar
  • Logviewer
  • Mini-Games
  • MP3 Player
  • Multiple BNC support
  • Nickchange
  • Nickcompleter
  • Nickserv, Q (Quakenet), x (Undernet) support
  • PUGs
  • Q admin
  • Query blocker
  • System Information
  • Themes
  • Usercentral
  • Winamp support
  • … and many more

Sunday 30 May 2010

RODCAD win #P-Gaming Cup #1

First round 8pm - dust2 - Double Elimination
FIRE vs. mySKI - 5-16
DASH vs. GandWARRIORS 16-5
demonic vs. RODCAT 11-16

Second round 9pm - de_train - Double Elimination
DASH vs. mySKI - 16-11
GANDwarriors vs. FIRE - BYE for FIRE
demonic vs. FIRE - 16-3

RODCAT vs. DASH - 16-11 (3rd round upper)

demonic vs. mySKI - 16-5 (lower Bracket Semi-Final)
demonic vs. DASH - 10-16 (Lower Bracket Final)

GRAND FINALE 8pm GMT - de_inferno, de_tuscan (de_dust2)  (Upper Bracket Final)
DASH (2) vs. RODCAT (1)
ko3, bo3, upper bracket need 1 WIN, lower bracket need 2 WINS


Final Standings

1st rodcad
2nd dash
3rd demonic!/photo.php?pid=12728026&id=888465176

Source TV  - connect
Shoutcasted by ThundeR ??? ??? ???
Sponsored by, ITS and Alienware.

Prizes are - 1st place = Desktop PC (Antec 900 Gaming Custom) Acer Laptop Atom, x5 Mousemat (razor) Web hosting, Free Website and Advertising

2nd place = 5 Mouses (Razer Deathadder Respawn 3500 dpi), Web hosting, Free website and Advertising, x3 months 100 tic single server on P-Gaming DEDI Box i7.

Total cash = £80 signed up - follows through to next weeks Sunday Cup.

Friday 28 May 2010

Reason Gaming

Internet & Technology - Gaming


To Europe's and worlds best Counter Strike Source Player, Marek Kádek.

List of Marek "PhP" Kádek achievements:

Reason Gaming voted as best team of year 2009 at Cadred
Voted as best player of year 2009 @
Voted as best rifle player of year 2008 @
Nominated for Esports Newcomer Award for year 2008
Voted as best Czech/Slovak player for year 2007
And alot more!

Cadred News Post

Ask Multiplay
Spotlights channel

The next in the Ask Series, your chance to ask Multiplay whatever you like

We have not done an Ask Series in a while, but we have brought it back with a bang, giving you the chance to ask the leading UK game server provider as well as the people behind the very popular iseries. I am of course talking about Multiplay.
They have agreed to answer your questions, but I will ask that you keep the questions to a civilised nature. We will be choosing questions to send to them, and so any questions that are obvious flame or are worded in an offensive manner, will not be sent to them.
With Multiplay running quite a tight schedule at the moment, the answers won't be back until at the latest, the 11th June. We will leave this open for a week to let you ask questions. We have suggested a few topics below that might spur you to come up with some good questions:
  • i40, or insomnia40 as it is now known
  • Prize money
  • Future plans
  • Progaming vs casual gaming at their events
These are j

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Old but good.


Tuesday 25 May 2010

Top 10s

1. PowerPoint
Like it or loathe it, PowerPoint is here to stay. At 20 years old it is still the leading presentation software. At one point it was estimated that there are 30 million PowerPoint presentations given every day. But is it reallytime to Ditch PowerPoint?
2. Flash
For stunning presentations that you can also put on-line Flash is by far the best presentation technology on the market. The animation effects and the ability to import video are stunning. The biggest problem is that it takes a high degree of proficiency to get it to work for you. I have been on a couple of day classes and still find it extremely difficult to do even a most basic presentation. There are quite a number of examples of Flash Presentations you can find on the web.
3. Open Office Impress
Open Office Impress is the free open source presentation technology. It contains a number of features not available in PowerPoint. See our posts on Is Open Office Impress better than PowerPoint? and Free Impress Templates. You can also read Bruce Byfield’s comparison of Open Office and PowerPoint.
4. Apple Keynote
For those of you using Macs there is a small community of people who use Apple Keynote. They have just brought out a new version. Apple launches iWork 8 with Keynote update
5. Photoshop
If you want to make your presentations fly then you will need a way of easily editing images – for example to adjust the colours, or make images transparent. We use Photoshop a lot – but you could also use the open source equivalent Gimp. Why do you need to manipulate images – have a look at how to make incredible pictures.
6. NXPowerLite
NXPowerLite can compress files by as much as 75%, making them easier to use, store and share. It reduces file sizes more significantly than zip compression and removes the need to
7. PowerPlugs Charts
If you want to make professional looking graphs and charts in PowerPoint then you will find thePowerPlugs Charts pretty hard to beat. The only downside is that once you have made the chart it is not easily possible to e-mail it to other people and allow them to change the image.
8. Perspector
A nifty little tool for making 3d shapes for PowerPoint. Read the review of Perspector.
9. Color Schemer
PowerPoint comes as standard with the most appalling colour schemes. To solve this we extensively use an electronic colour wheel called Color Schemer. We bought the PC software but there is a free on-line tool at Color Schemer Online.
10. PowerConverter
PowerConverter is a nifty little tool that can convert PowerPoint to Flash. It is a nice way to put a presentation online and you can include navigation. We found that it was not fully compatible with all of the animation settings but was a good way to put a presentation online.
Anything that we have missed?

Monday 24 May 2010

Best CSS Tournament Ever [jejejjee]

- Rules -

All standard ED rules apply. (MR15, First to 16, KO3, Source TV)
Please check  - For more details.

- Prizes -

1st place - x1 Desktop PC (DELL £400), x1 Laptop (ACER £499), £100 Cash Paypal, Free 1 month Clan Advertising & Promotion, Free Website design template, 5 BNCs (, HALL OF FAME!

2nd Place - 1 x3Months RTL Match Server, £100 CASH Paypal, 5 BNCs (, Free Website Promotion and Template.

- Sign UPs -

Strictly first 64 teams to sign-up will be given an automatic place in the tournament. If a no-show occurs or a cancellation happens then the teams place will be given to the 10 reserve slots (as in the clans to signup after the 64 signups)

- Servers -

All games will be played on RTL-Servers and the games shoutcasted when they reach the Semi-finals. Admins will be present on the servers and Source TV running with a TV Relay.

- Anti-Cheat -

Required Anti-Cheat (SGL-AC, to be confirmed)
ESL Plugin (on permission from ESL)
Source TV Record
POVs required on REQUEST from Clans/Admins
dxlevel 8.1 accepted only
The game can be disputed within 10 minutes of finish and reviewed by admin team
Failure to produce POVs will result in automatic exit from the tournament and default win

- Admin Team -


- SIGN UP @  (Temp Website) -

Signups are now LIVE but go official at 7pm tonight. Meaning that anyone that signs up now will be first in line for 7pm.

Cadred News Post

After securing the services of the ex-Crack Clan lineup as well as a brand new team consisting of some of the best players in Europe, demonic eSports have turned their attention to the US. +}

In case you haven't guessed which team they have acquired yet it is team zomblerz, perhaps one of the best and most loved teams to ever come out of the states. In the past the +} tag was synonymous with success with a number of world class players donning the famous face as their tag, many people felt it was a crime that the team weren't drafted into the first season of the CGS after storming into 4th place at the combine. Recently the team have been helping keep the US scene alive since the demise of the CGS along with x3o, with both teams trading blows at the top end of the scene, with x3o coming away the victors on most occasions. The zomblerz are adamant though that with a solid practice routine they can get back on top as the #1 team in America.
The team have also picked up Legendary ex-Carolina Core player Sam 'devour' Chamma - who was one of the founding members of the side back in 2005 - as their long standing member Andres "misty" Gunaratne who has decided to step down from competitive gaming. They are currently participating in CEVO-P the ESEA-I league where they are looking to go one better than their back to back second place finishes in the past two years. The team have had to pay their own way to the LAN finals in previous seasons so the funding from demonic will no doubt motivate them to perform at the highest level. On top of that they got off to a winning start on their quest to qualify for the up-coming LANChamp LA event.

Justin heatwave Mckay gave the following statement on the demonic eSports website:

The world is going to shit--always has been, and always will be. My doggie died, my wife left me, teeth are falling out, lost my job, tractor is broken, and my daddy beat me just like his daddy beat him--but I'll be looking forward to some sweet repose while we own noobs as demonic's usa css team.

demonic eSports.US is now:

 Carson 'classified' Holt
Grant 'Griff' Hall
Justin 'heatwave' Mckay
 Frank 'ridic' Savettiere
Sam 'devour' Chamma

Stay tuned for the upcoming zomblerz movie, set to be exclusively released on!

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Favourite CSS Event?

The people’s favourite event!
Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 May 2010 03:12
Written by Smokie
Tuesday, 18 May 2010 03:07
An article detailing events by William “Smokie” King
From a team’s perspective there are many options out there in the vast e-sport environment, over recent years we really have seen a growth in competitive online gaming. In the counter strike source world we have the ESL pushing the standard with their EPS league and good old reliable ED steadily plodding along. So what do you, the people, think is the best overall online event.
For this article I shall be requesting the help of a few known {and maybe unknown} gamers that have been around the block. I consider these guys to be the bread and butter of the UK source scene, they have been there, done that and worn the t-shirt with all the spilt beer and rustler burgers on the way! But before we get onto that, what is actually out there?
•   CEVO
•   ClanBase 
•   The EGL
•   EnemyDown
•   EUGL
•   ESL
•   Esports heaven
•   KGL
•   Live On Three Cups
•   Optrix Gaming League 
•   Pro –CSS
•   Sektor Gaming League
•   The SGL
So what is the people’s choice? In this survey I was aided by 50 people from my steam friends. To determine the UK’s favourite online CSS competition I allocated each person 10 points, the person then could allocate as many points as they see fit over any number of events. When collecting the data a few people had more to say on the matter…
pG webbz:
ESL all the way – it’s the most professional setup there is and has one of the best anti cheats around
MOD 5* nrki:
for ease of use and organisation – ED, they always run well
Well, Many years ago I played in ED. Overall it was good and I really enjoyed playing there, although you can’t compare that level with ESL. ESL is the largest league/ladder/tournament site we have in Europe. But the support is a bit lacking. However they have worked hard over recent years, with thousands of members helping out.
ta! Lossy:
ED is just so easy to get games
tbh  I would say ESL ,ED  for the top host for online competitions but I  would have to say ESL has the highest standards of the teams competing in ladders, and doing well in ESL is  a prize of its own also with the possible chance of getting into the pro ladder. Enemydown deserves credit as their competitions run rather well with some good prizes available for the “lower” teams, but with haven media now running enemydown this could all change as we might see some of the higher skilled teams joining the ladder.
So what is truly the best CSS online competition in the UK to both play and/or to watch? Let’s see what the results show;
The results in ranked order;
1.   ESL
2.   ED
3.   The SGL
4.   KGL
5.   Pro-CSS
6.   LO3 cups
6.   Esports heaven
7.   CEVO
8.   EUGL
9.   OGL
10.   Clanbase
Staggeringly ESL tops the list taking nearly half the votes and are crowned the UKs favourite CSS competition host. ED sits comfortably in second place with 30% of the votes and The SGL takes home the bronze. These big three names were somewhat predictable to take the top3 positions, but what interested me are the smaller scale competitions… If we removed all the top3 votes our pie chart would look like this;
The KGL absorbs over one quarter of the remaining votes; the KGL over recent times has provided the “middle” ranged gamers with quality prizes. The fact that the remaining competitions with prizes did not come out trumps, proved by Pro-CSS and LO3 cups taking 5th and 6th place overtaking both Esports heaven and CEVO, ranked sixth and seventh respectively, suggests prizes are not the be all and end all of a competition.
So there you have it, do you believe in order to produce successful competition all you need is a set of similar skill teams with a set of admins that can tell their arse from their elbow? Or do you think that a competition needs a prize to thrive? Comment flame and game.
Thanks for reading


I won't pull punches, sandz and thunder both know how much i love them.

First of all, Thunder does not deserve a tenth of the negative responses he has gotten here in the last week.
Thunder has brought more to then 98% of the other people who are here and have come and gone.
Just because sandz was on the rag one night when Thunder posted  a topic that seemed rather outlandish does not give others who haven't done fuck all around here compared to him the right to jump on his nuts.

For the record I believe sandz could also have handled this in a more mature matter then the way he flew off in the forum against thunder. i was just as surprised at the way sandz responded as the way thunder responded.

I don't know if any of you remember this, actually  most of you weren't even around, but there was a time when Thunder had complete control of everything that had to do with and all the MOD teams who participated in it when sandz or myself were burnt out and just wanted to chill. I remember specifically talking with both of them and everything being handed to Thunder at a time when sandz could have just let the site die like all the other old Half Life sites.

Who In Pro-HL gained more notoriety excelling in CSS then Thunder competing in Awp cups and other events?
Who In Pro-HL brought more skilled players to the various clans then Thunder?
Lets not even talk about the players he recruited to play here who came and went and ended up being fucking amazing well known players...
Thunder represented us terrifically.
I mean come on, talking honestly? There was a time when he was on a team with me, sandz, sic, koogle, and Rev.. Thats like Playing basketball and having 4 kids in diapers as your team mates. He was obviously a superior player to the rest of us most of the time, he routinely was asked why he stuck with us, and routinely turned other teams down when they asked him to leave us and join them...and the thanks he gets is a revocation of admin rights after a couple silly posts?

6 years, a couple of silly posts, and this is the thanks he gets....

I would wager that 9 out if 10 days that sands would have seen that post he would have reacted differently..

You know what? Screw you guys who come in here and think you can treat someone like that who has outlasted all of your time put together.

(oh yeah, for any of you that wanna say "well chief said this or that about thunder" I am allowed to say that kind of shit, I was here writing columns and playing HL when he was in diapers)

This is a sad day at Pro-Hl.
Would write more but i took a fastball to the groin tonight at baseball so I'm going to the tub to soak.

Monday 17 May 2010

Goodbye Pro-HL

After 8 LONG years in MOD I've finally been released/kicked.

I want nothing to do with this organisation anymore after being completely back-stabbed by the same people I recruited.

Goodbye and good luck.

Out of respect to Sandz/Chief I'll not talk about this anymore...


Saturday 15 May 2010

Shetland Recruitment Jobs [Laurence Abernethy @ twitter] Click

Shetland Jobs Available as Follows:

As of the 14th of May 2010

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"I had to set this up because, I found it impossible to get a job in Shetland, and something needed to be done properly for once around here for people my age." Th-

Thanks to everyone that had a part in the communication at the companys today.

(Will update daily)

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Jim's Garage

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The Hansel
Ask for Vicky - Maybe Jobs

Cope Pet Supplies - Maybe Jobs

Finished - No Jobs

Westside Pine

D.H Gorn

Intersport - Part time Jobs possible

Cee-Jays Monday - Part time Jobs possible

Peerie Shop - Rare to have any jobs
Emma Gibson

Millers Optitians - No Jobs

Conocies - Part Time Jobs Maybe.

ITS - No Jobs

WeisdaleShop - Part Time Jobs

Whiteness Shop
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07990 785097

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8 pound an hour
01667 464314

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