Tuesday 18 May 2010

Favourite CSS Event?

The people’s favourite event!
Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 May 2010 03:12
Written by Smokie
Tuesday, 18 May 2010 03:07
An article detailing events by William “Smokie” King
From a team’s perspective there are many options out there in the vast e-sport environment, over recent years we really have seen a growth in competitive online gaming. In the counter strike source world we have the ESL pushing the standard with their EPS league and good old reliable ED steadily plodding along. So what do you, the people, think is the best overall online event.
For this article I shall be requesting the help of a few known {and maybe unknown} gamers that have been around the block. I consider these guys to be the bread and butter of the UK source scene, they have been there, done that and worn the t-shirt with all the spilt beer and rustler burgers on the way! But before we get onto that, what is actually out there?
•   CEVO
•   ClanBase 
•   The EGL
•   EnemyDown
•   EUGL
•   ESL
•   Esports heaven
•   KGL
•   Live On Three Cups
•   Optrix Gaming League 
•   Pro –CSS
•   Sektor Gaming League
•   The SGL
So what is the people’s choice? In this survey I was aided by 50 people from my steam friends. To determine the UK’s favourite online CSS competition I allocated each person 10 points, the person then could allocate as many points as they see fit over any number of events. When collecting the data a few people had more to say on the matter…
pG webbz:
ESL all the way – it’s the most professional setup there is and has one of the best anti cheats around
MOD 5* nrki:
for ease of use and organisation – ED, they always run well
Well, Many years ago I played in ED. Overall it was good and I really enjoyed playing there, although you can’t compare that level with ESL. ESL is the largest league/ladder/tournament site we have in Europe. But the support is a bit lacking. However they have worked hard over recent years, with thousands of members helping out.
ta! Lossy:
ED is just so easy to get games
tbh  I would say ESL ,ED  for the top host for online competitions but I  would have to say ESL has the highest standards of the teams competing in ladders, and doing well in ESL is  a prize of its own also with the possible chance of getting into the pro ladder. Enemydown deserves credit as their competitions run rather well with some good prizes available for the “lower” teams, but with haven media now running enemydown this could all change as we might see some of the higher skilled teams joining the ladder.
So what is truly the best CSS online competition in the UK to both play and/or to watch? Let’s see what the results show;
The results in ranked order;
1.   ESL
2.   ED
3.   The SGL
4.   KGL
5.   Pro-CSS
6.   LO3 cups
6.   Esports heaven
7.   CEVO
8.   EUGL
9.   OGL
10.   Clanbase
Staggeringly ESL tops the list taking nearly half the votes and are crowned the UKs favourite CSS competition host. ED sits comfortably in second place with 30% of the votes and The SGL takes home the bronze. These big three names were somewhat predictable to take the top3 positions, but what interested me are the smaller scale competitions… If we removed all the top3 votes our pie chart would look like this;
The KGL absorbs over one quarter of the remaining votes; the KGL over recent times has provided the “middle” ranged gamers with quality prizes. The fact that the remaining competitions with prizes did not come out trumps, proved by Pro-CSS and LO3 cups taking 5th and 6th place overtaking both Esports heaven and CEVO, ranked sixth and seventh respectively, suggests prizes are not the be all and end all of a competition.
So there you have it, do you believe in order to produce successful competition all you need is a set of similar skill teams with a set of admins that can tell their arse from their elbow? Or do you think that a competition needs a prize to thrive? Comment flame and game.
Thanks for reading

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