Thursday 13 May 2010

Antwerp Aces Dealt New Roster

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The Benelux scene went through something of a brief resurgence, thanks to many domestic LAN competitions, and then seemed to end up back at square one thanks to a spell of instability that saw many roster shuffles across the scene.

With that seeming to have come to an end Antwerp Aces have moved to bring together a roster of experienced Belgian players, managed by scene veteran Vincent "Freekje" Vanloo who was described in the press release as a "CS:S guru".

The rest of the players have all established themselves as some fine Belgian talent and the team will be looking to prove their mettle at some of the upcoming Summer events, their first likely being the Antwerp eSports Festival.

Vincent "Freekje" Vanloo gave a brief statement about the move on the Antwerp Aces website:

We’re very happy to represent one of the strongest organisations in the Benelux scene. I’ve been working with them for a long time and I’m confident that it will allow us to continue our European endeavors.

Antwerp Aces are:

Vincent "Freekje" Vanloo (Team Manager)
Matt "Sunshine" Balis
Erome "Scanntraxx" Golamaulty
Fabio "kakashi" Velhinho
Ruben "APO" Annemans
Douglas "BmD" Deconick

Lan 79

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The LAN season just keeps on trucking and we now face another weekend of e-sports gluttony with six events taking place this weekend. I myself will be making the trip to Bressuire to cover LAN79, France's premier CS:S tournament.
Although it at first looked as if the tournament would struggle to achieve significant sign-ups, with the dates overlapping with the exam period, however the tournament has instead gone on to attract some of the best teams from across Europe making the event potentially one of the most competitive and exciting of the year.
The tournament should also promise to be free of some of the controversy that has marred previous events since as the experienced admin team is now being assisted by long standing scene veteran and former Cadred Editor Corin Cole.
All in all it looks promising, so all that remains to debate is who can win it? With most of Europe succumbing to the knee-jerk reaction of roster changes following the last spate of LAN tournaments, just who is who and what can you expect from the teams? Here's the run down.

Team VeryGames

Kevin "Ex6TenZ" Droolans
Loic "RegnaM" Peron
Ludovic "Shokkk" Martin
Nathan "NBKK" Schmitt
Victor "Victorztw" Matyjasik

With their former team's (now ROCCAT) era seemingly coming to an end, the VeryGames line-up that is now essentially the redLine squad that were starting to dominate in Europe before being dissected – should be considered favourites for this one. No cheap jokes about French teams getting a helping hand at French events, in truth this team is good enough on paper to not need any help from anyone. Currently riding high in the French EPS with an undefeated record and having triumphed at Gamers Assembly it is safe to call them the best team in France and with the overall strength of that particular scene right now that's always going to put you in contention. For VeryGames, if they do triumph, it will see a fully confirmed return to the top for an organisation whose name was once synonymous with victory.
Player To Watch: Victor "Victorztw" Matyjasik – A player who was a huge part of the redLine team's victory at TeX 2009 he then spent some time out of the game and many were dismayed to see such a talent quit. Since returning the questions have been about if he will still have what it takes to cut it at the top level once more and while he stood out at Gamers Assembly this is a different ball park. Back him to be crucial in how the team performs.
Predicted Finish: 1st


George "hudzG" Hoskins
Simen "warclown" Aas Henriksen
Ole Christian "gem" Slaattene
Jim "jIMMy" Thorsen
Christofer "Helblinde" Nilsson

A new team of old friends, the new look TCM – sort of the current i-series champions, but also not really – will be entering their first event together and the omens bode well. George "hudzG" Hoskins made the decision to leave the best UK team at the moment behind in the form of Power Gaming, which is in itself a testament to the belief the players in the camp have. Simen "warclown" Aas Henrikson, the sole survivor from the i39 winners, played a great final and looks to be in good form. The DJ hero Christofer "Helblinde" Nilsson looked in fine form when he was last seen representing the Swedish team of 30P, his performances spearheading that team to defy their unfeasibly low seeding out at Copenhagen Games 2010. Back when the team represented Reason Gaming their never say die attitude won them many fans and plaudits as they defied the unwritten rule that "mixed Euro never works". All huge LAN players, expect them to be back with a bang in France.
Player To Watch: Jim "jIMMy" Thorsen – Before Warhammer Online claimed one of Source's most beloved players many contended that Jim was one of the best. His exuberant style and eerily accurate aim made him a key player to the success of any team he played in. Now making his comeback after a hugely prolonged spell out of the thick of it the real question mark is can he get back to his brilliant best. If he can, the rest of those in attendance need to watch out.
Predicted Finish: 2nd


Sebastien "KRL" Perez
Edouard "SmithZz" Dubourdeaux
Nicolas "luMpy" Brenat
Cédric "RpK" Guipouy
Clément "MAS" Drouaire

The team that at one point dominated the European scene have been in something of a steady decline. Not able to compete in the French EPS after some shenanigans and a prolonged period of inactivity that saw them not attend a LAN for some time, just how good they were became a matter of debate rather than fact. Their appearance at Gamers Assembly, the first LAN they attended and didn't win in their proud history, underlined that their best days were behind them as they laboured against teams the old line-up would have breezed past. However, expect some renewed fire following the announcement of Sebastien "KRL" Perez would be retiring from competitive play after this event. A polarising figure, Sebastien has to be resepected as one of the greatest captains the game has seen and his contribution to the history of French CS:S deserves far more respect than it seems to receive. They will want to go out on a high for old times sake and I believe they will place on the podium but not where they would have liked.
Player To Watch: Clément "MAS" Drouaire – As the faux news report in the movie Robocop says "Who is he? What is he?" For most across Europe the former NITROSE player is either unknown, or deemed not good enough to rubbing shoulders with the elite. Yet those who follow the French scene closely all maintain that the player is the genuine article and his pick-up is deserved. To attract the attention of players of this calibre he must be doing something right. See for yourselves if he can live up to his billing.
Predicted Finish: 3rd

Power Gaming
Jim "Mx" Smale
James "PEZ" Perrott
Lewis "hughsy" Hughes
Dan "Re1ease" Mullen
Lasse "stingeR" Midstue

Power Gaming but not as you know them the team have gone through some changes that have been kept on the downlow. Gone are George "hudzG" Hoskins, Henry "HenryG" Greer and James "wilzOOO" Wilson, in comes former FM Toxic duo Lewis "hughsy" Hughes and Jim "Mx" Smale along with Lasse "stingeR" Midstue who makes his return to Power Gaming. With the exam period talking place during the event the talismanic Sam "RattlesnK" Gawn won't be in attendance and it will be James "PEZ" Perrott picking up the reigns as caller. What does this mean for the team as a whole? Impossible to say, but with wholesale changes and a limited amount of time to gel it is unlikely that the form of the team that did so well out in Copenhagen Games can be replicated and this has to be seen as something of a stepping stone. The "boot camp" that was the hmv Gamerbase Reading qualifiers will have helped but it is still a big ask for any team to deliver a podium performance at their first event together, especially when missing a match winning player in his own right. They do possess talent in abundance and it could well carry them through, perhaps even all the way, but maybe that is something for a future event rather than this one.
Player To Watch: James "PEZ" Perrott – last time we saw him at a major competition playing alongside the best in the UK it was with his spell with Team Dignitas where he seemed to come in for much criticism from the gallery and even some of his colleagues. Many others maintained it was a matter of chemistry and direction. Now that he will be holding the reigns for this event it represents an opportunity to show what he can do in an environment that is better suited to him. His performance in France will show whether he is truly in the same league as those around him and no-one will be keener to silence the critics than James.
Predicted Finish: 4th

Fragmasters TOXIC

Richard "ritch" Gibbs
Nayden "nayden" Delchev
Mohamed "mOE" Assad
Frank "FrankstaH" Rini
Brandon "weber" Weber

A shame that one of the UK's most recent success stories is currently being forced to throw together mixes that have uncertain futures in a bid to keep their LAN attendance record intact. The latest incarnation is a ticking timebomb of personalities that would be like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen if it was made up of five Dr. Jekylls. What you can expect to see will depend very much on whether they hit the ground running or not. If they get off to a good start, expect the team to go far. If the going is tough early on, much like we saw from some of the team's members at i39, their mental strength is questionable and they could struggle to make an impact. The addition of American CS:S legend and CGS star Mohamed "mOE" Assad will add some fire to the proceedings and he will be desperate to rebuff those who criticised his current levels of ability, knowing he is not only representing himself and the Fragmasters name but also the Americans in an all European competition. Whether his personality can fit in with the others around him though will remain to be seen.
Player To Watch: Brandon "weber" Weber – A surprise inclusion to the team given his past track record that includes some notable crashes at i-series gone by, this represents a huge step up for a player that seems to have been bogged down with the weight of expectation for over a year now. Low profile failures can be forgiven in time but the scene and his colleagues are unlikely to forgive failing to deliver against some of the best in Europe. If he can replicate his online form he could be one of the stand-out stories from the event but the pressure will definitely be on.
Predicted Finish: 5th / 6th

D4 Gaming

Alexandre "Bistoufly" Lebozec
Thibaud "Tac" Laganne
Joan "Bub" Huillier
Allan "Enk1or" Lopez
Anthony "kTN" Pinacho

Attending this event without Stéphane 'HysokA' Salvadori still D4Gaming seem to be well prepared for the French event of the year with their newest addition Anthony "kTN" Pinacho. A string of good performances in the French EPS have seen them just behind the two big names in their league and they showed at Gamers Assembly that they are no pushovers with a string of overtimes against Ubiteam to end the tournament facing VeryGames in the final. The core of the team has been together for a year or so and this event will be one where they will look to deliver on their long standing promise. Boosted by the home advantage that might just give them the edge to move ahead of similarly skilled teams but it will be tight. Mind you, it's not as if they stand to lose anything having won their tickets thanks to the Esports Heaven cup. A bold 5th / 6th prediction then, but not as unlikely as some might think.

Player To Watch: Anthony "kTN" Pinacho – Replacing HysokA isn't an easy task so the player knows he will have to step up and chip in with the frags. He showed with his former colleagues of FairFrag that he can be a hugely influential player for his team but he will need to do it here for D4 as well and that is another step-up in class.
Predicted Finish: 5th / 6th

Fragmasters SAPPHIRE

José 'EditioN-' Duarte - Player Manager
Mario "Fyx" Rodrigues
Bernardo "xXx^" Segurado
Fábio "n3w" Teixeira
André "Paradyze" Horta
Nuno "Extremo" Aquino

It is something of a bone of contention in Portuguese circles if you refer to this team as the best from their country. They lost out on the final of the most recent XLParty to Exotic Island who ran a clean sweep across all games at the event, yet since then their results against Exotic across a range of tournaments have been mostly favourable. They will be coming to this event more settled having revised their roster in the aftermath of the XLParty defeat and brought in Portuguese veteran José "EditioN-" Duarte as a player-manager. Could certainly do a lot worse for a stand-in if required. With the return to the team of some old friends they will be feeling a lot more positive about what the competition may bring their way. On the flip side they have lost their last few official games so maybe there's an argument for them being too settled. It's not going to be easy at this event and even though they have shown they can mix it up with good teams breaking in amongst the big names here might be a tall order for them. Still, they come with nothing to lose and everything to prove and they won't be far off a decent placement come the end.
Player To Watch: Mario "Fyx" Rodrigues – In the form of his life at the moment, his contributing to Sapphire has been massive with a combination of solid fragging, intelligent positioning and reliable clutch play. If he comes to the event and plays to the best of his ability you would feel they have a chance of causing some upsets. Definitely a player to keep an eye on if you're unsure about whether the Portuguese can produce talent worth talking about in a European context.
Predicted Finish: 7th / 8th

Demonic eSports

Eamon 'cauzed' Drea
Jake 'jakem' McCausland
Henry 'HenryG' Greer
Kevin 'kev1n' Hansen
Matthieu 'akamatt' Brouri

Something of a mixed bag in that they have literally come together only a few weeks before the event, new UK organisation Demonic eSports sees players held together more by friendships than any constant thread of ability. In Henry "HenryG" Greer they have one of the best all-rounders that the UK has ever produced, yet having finished his last year at university clearly the pressure cooker of Power Gaming no longer had any appeal. Or maybe there is more to it than meets the eye. He will pick up playing alongside his former 4kings compatriot Eamon "cauzed" Drea and his i37 TCM teammate Kevin "kev1n" Hansen. The latter of the two has his own personal point to prove after being unfortunately deemed surplus to requirements by the new look TCM. A shame given his excellent performance in the i39 final where one tired shoutcaster was snapped into life and declared the skills he displayed to be "bonkers". Ultimately though this a growth exercise and many question marks exist about the long term existence of the team. Certainly they've all got nothing to lose and ultimately little to prove. They could put the organisation on the map with a good performance but they can also rest assured they can walk away unscathed if it goes wrong.
Player To Watch: Jake "jakem" McCausland – It's been a long time since the first season of UK EPS where Jake was declared the clutch king, having helped secure the title for 4kings. However since then there has been little to shout about and this could be an opportunity for the player to show that maybe he deserves some more opportunities and further consideration as a UK talent.
Predicted Finish: 7th / 8th


Vincent "EMSTQD" Cervoni
Bruno "killou" Cosimi
Rodolphe "Rodo" Barsky
Jérôme "Soulm8" Michon
Kévin "Uzzziii" Vernel

Not performing too well at the moment the new look redLine still represents something of a gamble with a lot of young and inexperienced players. After two losses in EMS versus Team Thermaltake and Russian Aces, both by the score of 14-16, they will come to their first offline event without any change since the creation of line up. Proving that they can live with the biggest names of the scene will be their main goal but any ideas of winning the event are best saved for nights in their hotel room. Still, it is all part of the development of the squad and redLine should be commended for providing an opportunity for new talent where others might have played it safe and recycled the roster. The experience they will gain at this event will be a good platform for the future.
Player to watch: Jérôme "Soulm8" Michon – He proved at Gamers Assembly, as part of a mix team, that he can hold his own in a LAN environment and he was a stand-out player for Mercy. His teammates here will be looking for a similar performance here and he knows as well as anyone that a good performance against some big names could well cement his reputation as an up and comer in the scene.
Predicted Finish: Outside the top 8

Banana Phone

Szymon 'prv' Wilman
Peter 'peet' Cwiklinski
Norbert 'ozek' Sienkiewicz
David 'dejv' Herczynski
Mateusz 'tokz' Olszewski

A Polish team at a major European LAN is something to talk about in its own right. When it is made up of players that have come under close scrutiny for a string of questionable – if not questionably good – performances it is certain to raise an eyebrow or two. Featuring players from the former D-Link PGS team they have said that they are confident of doing well and replicating their online form, which include some notable results in online cups and competitions, at this event. Many others aren't convinced, which makes these the darkest of dark horses. A LAN crumble for these will simple reaffirm what most of Europe have alleged about some Polish players in the past. If they perform they may just start making people take not only them, but Polish CS:S, seriously.
Player To Watch: Peter 'peet' Cwiklinski – A player that has come in for his fair share of abuse from those he has competed against, not least of all the last meaningful UK team to take part in a Clanbase Nations Cup, this is his opportunity to show that he can perform at a LAN outside of Poland exactly the same way he does online. Many, many people will be following his progress with great interest.
Predicted Finish: Who Knows?