Tuesday 18 May 2010


I won't pull punches, sandz and thunder both know how much i love them.

First of all, Thunder does not deserve a tenth of the negative responses he has gotten here in the last week.
Thunder has brought more to Pro-HL.com then 98% of the other people who are here and have come and gone.
Just because sandz was on the rag one night when Thunder posted  a topic that seemed rather outlandish does not give others who haven't done fuck all around here compared to him the right to jump on his nuts.

For the record I believe sandz could also have handled this in a more mature matter then the way he flew off in the forum against thunder. i was just as surprised at the way sandz responded as the way thunder responded.

I don't know if any of you remember this, actually  most of you weren't even around, but there was a time when Thunder had complete control of everything that had to do with Pro-HL.com and all the MOD teams who participated in it when sandz or myself were burnt out and just wanted to chill. I remember specifically talking with both of them and everything being handed to Thunder at a time when sandz could have just let the site die like all the other old Half Life sites.

Who In Pro-HL gained more notoriety excelling in CSS then Thunder competing in Awp cups and other events?
Who In Pro-HL brought more skilled players to the various clans then Thunder?
Lets not even talk about the players he recruited to play here who came and went and ended up being fucking amazing well known players...
Thunder represented us terrifically.
I mean come on, talking honestly? There was a time when he was on a team with me, sandz, sic, koogle, and Rev.. Thats like Playing basketball and having 4 kids in diapers as your team mates. He was obviously a superior player to the rest of us most of the time, he routinely was asked why he stuck with us, and routinely turned other teams down when they asked him to leave us and join them...and the thanks he gets is a revocation of admin rights after a couple silly posts?

6 years, a couple of silly posts, and this is the thanks he gets....

I would wager that 9 out if 10 days that sands would have seen that post he would have reacted differently..

You know what? Screw you guys who come in here and think you can treat someone like that who has outlasted all of your time put together.

(oh yeah, for any of you that wanna say "well chief said this or that about thunder" I am allowed to say that kind of shit, I was here writing columns and playing HL when he was in diapers)

This is a sad day at Pro-Hl.
Would write more but i took a fastball to the groin tonight at baseball so I'm going to the tub to soak.

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