Wednesday 12 May 2010

Quickscope Lan?

Sourced from:

The thoughts, possibilities, and various routes we could go about this, however Davros did moot the possibility of doing our own LAN in the future, probably not this year, but we would like to share our thoughts, specifically with you to gauge an interest, and see whether people could be up for this.
LAN, something in the UK and more importantly in Counter Strike Source, we lack currently, we have the iSeries, and well, the iSeries.

However Davros had a wonderful idea, of setting up our own “Community Based” LAN in the future, and only for communities, not neccessarily “top teams”, we are looking at a small contained Prize Fund, and an event that would ideally be for fun, whilst remaining competitive at heart. Over the next 6 months, Davros & I will be looking at potential venues and judging what we can or cannot do. Now many will say “you are overstepping the mark, and over stretching yourselves, why not stay with news blah blah”. Currently we are looking at June/July 2010 for our second stage of Quickscope, which includes moving over from WordPress to Joolma, to give us more features you can play with, and a much more secure system currently. The news side of things will stay exactly the same, we will cover what we can, when we can, and if people want news up, they are free to do so, if people want their events covered, we will certainly try to give their events as much coverage as we can. Obviously we will continue to open up more news writing positions (and look at increasing our staff for future LAN coverage), they are always open, and you are free to write when you can outside of our news staff. Obviously everything that side of the pond, is ticking over very nicely.

But when you look at the communities, sometimes some of the best tech nerds and admins and so on are in our own very communities (people like Blanks at Rasta can work miracles, and nrki in MOD who knows a thing or two about networks, and computers). So it is completely possible to run ourselves a LAN. However, as noted it is a lot more difficult than it seems, which means we will need a lot of people working with us to ever make this work. So lets give you a quick run down, and maybe get people to openly contribute to what they would like to see at LAN.
BYOC/Non Byoc
Low Price – Between £20 – £40
2 – 3 day event
16 Teams Max
Small Prize Purse (enough for a team to make a small profit)
Fun, Carnage, Drink (but sensible and having a fun loving LAN)
Central Location (as much as possible)
Community Driven
So what else would people like to see, and what options would people want, do you want it Non Byoc, or Byoc (would it be easier for you etc), and obviously what dates would people ideally want, so we can break it down into Quarters, so Q1 (January – March), Q2 (April – June), Q3 (July – September), Q4 (October – December). Would people want us to avoid certain dates of the year, or am I giving people too much of a choice. Whatever you certainly feel, please let us know, and if you would like to help us in any way (preferably tech and network support), you should contact davros[at]coltkillaz[dot]co[dot]uk and cc gumpster[at]pro-css[dot]com. Again, this is ONLY at present an idea, and an idea for communities to “think” about.

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