Wednesday 12 May 2010

MOD on Fire?

Original Article taken from:

There is a fire burning in MOD!
Last Updated on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 01:06
Written by Gumpster
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 01:04
Today, it is announced that a new team has decided to form inside the Pro-HL Organisation under the name -|MOD|- Fire, it is headed up by a controversial character within the Counter Strike Source scene, who has decided to throw a new team together with bold ambitions!
It was a stone’s throw away when MINISTRY was at the top of the ED Ladder, went on to i34 and celebrated a huge scalp of a victory against the former swedish line up of the Team Coolermaster team, and then went on to lose in an enthralling overtime match which ended 25 – 23, yet since those days, the MINISTRY team has seen little glory and hasn’t really challenged Good Looking Gamer’s stranglehold on the fringe end of the UK CSS Scene. Today makes an announcement that might finally see that “stranglehold” slip, with a new team named -|MOD|- Fire, which means MINISTRY have lost their former captain Laurence “ThundeR” Abernethy. This leaves MINISTRY with deeXus at the helm, with the same old “mix” of a line up. I caught up with ThundeR to talk about his new line up so far….
Thunder you have had a big impact in the fringe CSS Competitive scene, and had a long spell as Ministry captain, why the sudden change from being an outside player of MINISTRY to a new team captain?
Hi Tom. Well, the ’sudden change’ you have mentioned has infact been in my mind for a while now. I used to run the competitive side of MOD, but when I went to University, I obviously didn’t have the time anymore. After our poor season in EPS, I decided it was time for a change. Because the MINISTRY lads were unable to commit I decided to try forming a new team under the Pro-HL Organisation.
What is different this time around, and what are your ambitions with the new team?
Not much difference. I just want to be in a team where the members will stick together through thick and thin – like my old MOD team (Me, Hollis, xiphrex, deeXus, FurY, foolio). I’ve always felt that a team that stays together for a long time has a better chance against teams that fold and form like clockwork. That’s my main goal anyway, oh yeah and win i40. Jokes.
Brilliant, so what is the first goal of this new team?
To find the right members for a core 5. We are looking to take on six players, due to the fact that I play football twice a week and other members may have other commitments from time to time. But it is hard to find a 6th, because no-one wants to be left out all the time when things are going well. We hope to start off practising with the team online then if everyone goes smooth we will progress to UK LANs. Also, hope to play in EPS next season and finish in a decent place. Which I think is possible with the right players.
Sounds good, is there anything you would like to say to other teams, any shoutouts maybe?
We haven’t finalised our roster, but have a pretty good sponsorship deal in the pipeline. The full team should be announced early next week. Anyone interested should contact me ASAP.
Shoutouts go to my old and new MINISTRY lads and anyone associated with Pro-HL. Oh yeah, and all the skag trolls out there!
There will be a further announcement soon of the full line up, but for the Pro-HL organisation, this looks like it could be a cracking team in the making, ready to take on the best in the UK in the future.

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