Join the Community

Welcome to the Ministry of Darkness community. 

Firstly let me be the first to welcome you to MOD, hopefully you will have a lot of fun here and stay for many years, as a lot of the members have. As a member you have access to all of our facilities. However, theres still a few things you need to do to before you can wear the -|MOD|- tag and these are 1) be active within the community for a period of one month (while following the community rules) and two, obtain a post count of 50.  After this period you are eligible to be promoted to a tagged member.  Please see the following link for more information on this -   

To help you get settled in Ive put together a few details about the community and what goes on. So please have a read and see what interests you.


We currently have a number of servers for use within the community.  You can find details about these in the following links

Community CSS mix server -
CSS Deathmatch -
CSS Dust2 only –
CSS OldSkool Fun –
Left 4 Dead 2 –
CoD Match Server –
TF2 Public Server -

Community Events

Shortly I will be running some one night CSS events within the community. These we be mixed team tournaments, which will take place over 3 rounds.  If any other members wish to run similar events, in CSS or any other game, then please post your ideas in the forum.


MOD has a range of admins which include Team leaders, and long term members of MOD.  In addition, we have a number of server admins.  Over the coming weeks  we will be looking to find suitable community admins and if your interested in such a position please contact myself or Black Ops.

Server Admins

Lil Mr.Tea 

Community Admins
Please see this link -

To be asigned


Ministry Of Darkness (Pro-HL) is all self funded, we pay for our own servers, we pay for our own webspace, we pay for our own website costs and all running costs, so donations is not neccessary however it is welcomed so we can continue to grow our community. Currently the servers are running on a 50/50 sponsorship deal with RTL Servers, and need renewing every 6months, so the donation fund is there all the time, stick in whatever you can whether it is £1 or £100 we do appreciate any money you may give to the Donation Fund. And to top it all off we dont always have to use the donation fund for servers and online cost, but for LAN costs as well, and other various costs that the Community deem neccessary.


Ministry Of Darkness do LAN, in fact we encourage all our teams to LAN, as it generally helps expose our community, and make the community look brilliant, especially when teams do well. For the most part, people from MOD will go for the social side of things, the drinking & meeting people from our teams and also other communities as well. Benefits of LAN, is simple, for management and the league side, we can get ideas rolling in face to face, and for the community, it gives a chance for our teams to show their worth. We generally try and get a few teams to go to each iSeries ( and if there is a chance of an European LAN, or another LAN, we try and organise that as well.


FragFM is an internet based Radio Station, primarily for gamers. There are a wide range of DJ Presenters and currently Pro-HL & MOD provide 2 presenters so we can pimp our community, there is Gumpster who does a Saturday Night show called "Gumpster's Feel Good Factor Show" from 11pm - 1am, and there is also Andy "Black Ops^" McG who does "The McG Show" with Gumpster & Gill on a Sunday evening from 6pm - 8pm each week. FragFM & Pro-HL entered a partnership in September 2009, to help boost our community and their radio station's exposure in the wider community. If you would like to DJ & or just want to support FragFM in any way possible please go to and listen Smiley

Ministry Of Darkness Management
I thought i would let you know who is management at MOD, these guys are the ones you direct problems to if there are any, and can usually be found through Steam & Mumble:
Please see this link -
Any of these members  should be first port of call if you need to know anything, or need anything. Any needs should firstly be directed at either BlackOps or Jack, however if they aernt on for whatever reason, then give Gumpster a shout!! We dont bite, and will welcome you!

Community Teams

Currently we do not have a community match team. However, if any member or group of members wish to form a community team then this will be supported by pro-hl. 

Community Rules

To ensure that everyone enjoys their time in MOD and to maintain the community reputation, we ask that everyone follows a series of rules while here.  You can find these rules in the following link