Saturday 15 May 2010

Changes in FIRE

Statement from 'Jeza.'

It has been about a year since the Match Squad that me and easY ran dissolved due to not having a proper core 5, and after that we both gave Source a rest and we recently returned to the game. We were both part of the new team MOD.Fire:

But due to some internal dealings that I am not entirely in on, Thunder^ (who has been in MOD for 6 years), has been in his words 'backstabbed' and MOD have withdrawn support for the team. Now the lineup is still completely intact at this moment in time, though I imagine in time people will naturally move on. To cut to the chase, are Froody interested in accepting a pre-formed team as a Froody squad? As far as I can see, Thunder^ is still trying to buy his own server and get an IRC channel so I don't know the level of support he is looking for but it isn't up to me to flesh out details like this. If you are interested, hit me up on Steam or on here.

To talk to him directly, his Email is

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